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What is Form 2290 and When is it Due?

What is a 2290 Form and when is it due?

A 2290 Form is the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax (HHVUT). It must be filed and paid annually for every truck that drives on public highways and weighs over 55,000 lbs. Once you file your 2290 Form, a Stamped Schedule 1 will be provided to you through this website as your receipt for this Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax. A physical copy is required to register your vehicles each year. We will keep a copy of the Schedule 1 for the current year available on your account so you can always have access to it.

The 2290 Form is due annually between July 1 and August 31.

Both the tax return and the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax must be paid by the deadline in order to avoid penalties and interest. This tax must also be paid anytime a new vehicle is added to your fleet for the remainder of that year. In this case the tax is due by the end of the month following the date the vehicle is first used on the public highways. Read our Date of First Use Article for more details about picking the right date

We recommend that you e-file your 2290 Form a minimum of five business days before the filing deadline.

Watch the video to the left for step by step e-filing instructions for 2290Tax.com

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