2290 e-File Grace Period

Did you know there is an e-file Grace Period on Form 2290? OK – so it’s not exactly a “Grace Period.” The IRS calls it a “Transmission Perfection Period.” They talk  Fancy-Shmancy!

When an e-filed 2290 is rejected before the due date, this year, there is a 10-day Transmission Perfection Period to fix it and get it re-transmitted and accepted. If it’s accepted within those 10 days – then the Form is on time! That great news!! But don’t get too excited – this time is meant to get form errors fixed, taxes must still be paid before the due date. (This year that’s Tuesday 9/2/2014.)

So in the next few days, if you’ve got a 2290 that’s been rejected and we’re working with you to fix it then we will probably recommend you change the tax payment method to Voucher, and mail the IRS a check or money order for your taxes due. If you get your check in the mail and POST MARKED by Tuesday September 2nd, you’ll be on time with your tax payment. (Personally I recommend certified mail so you can prove that post mark date.)

This news is especially great because of the Labor Day Shut Down this year. Let us know if you have any questions, or if there is anything we can do to help you!

Written by Casey Bullard