IRS 2290 Notice Decoder – HVUT Penalties and Interest

Penalties and Interest are a bummer. Sometimes it’s unavoidable, sometimes it’s not that bad, and some times you can get out of penalties. But it’s always a bummer to get this piece of paper in the mail.

It’s usually a 5 page notice, depending on how many trucks you have, and how complicated the math gets. If you get one of these in the mail, don’t despair! We’re here to help – and the news isn’t always a grim as you might think.

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IRS 2290 Notice Decoder – Adjusted Tax Computation

The Adjusted Tax Computation Notice is the most complicated of all the notices I get questions about – so I’m going to start here and get the difficult stuff over with. Each Adjustment is different but only a few require action. I talk about that in more detail below, but first, how do you know what notice you have?? You can tell this notice from the others because it should expressly say, “Statement of Adjustment to Your Account,” on page 1.  This IRS Form 2290 Notice is 4 pages and looks a little something like this:

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Form 2290 IRS Penalty Notice

The calls have been poring in recently about Form 2290 IRS Penalty Notices – and for good reason. It seems that the IRS issues these notices through a computer program, and if both taxes and the form aren’t received by a specific time on a specific day, that computer program automatically sends a penalty notification. Even if your information was received by the IRS 10 seconds after that computer program ran.

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